Don't Use HPKP by Default

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Public key pinning is a tool that can be used to increase the trusworthiness of an https website by throwing up red flags if a compromised certificate is used in a TLS handshake when compared to the pinned keys being used. It is meant to safeguard against a CA being compromised and issuing valid certs for your domain.

For an attacker to be able to compromise a CA and then use that to attack your website, they would need to be fairly sophisticated, state-level even.

But if you set it up wrong you could block your domain for all your users. Plus, you actually increase your attack surface so that an attacker could hold your domain hostage and require ransom to get it back. This is a balance of risk versus benefit/security. In most cases, for non-critical sites (i.e., not a bank, gov, hospital, or other desirable target worth attacking) it is my opinion that the benefits don't outway the risks.

Benefits of HPKP

Downsides to HPKP

Not Worth it in Most Cases

The data's security isn't intended to defend against state-level actors and as such the risks involved with HPKP are not worth the minor benefits. Said differently, if you're not Google, a bank, a hospital, or the government, it's likely not really doing anything for you. Plus, the NSA can probably compromise you through sidechannels anyway.

I don't believe anything I'm building is going to be the target of such a sophisticated attacker and as such I don't think this particular technology is useful in most cases. Similarly, I'm also not encrypting with post-quantum algorithms to defend against quantum computer attacks, nor am I paying for server space that is physically secured by military personel. These are decisions which make my systems less secure (overall) but secure enough for my goals. In the end, there is no such thing as "100% secure" and as such there is always a trade off to be made. This is one of those things that needs to be decided when you ask yourself the question "what are we trying to secure and why?". imho, HPKP should only be considered for "very high priority" needs, which, in my experience, is not something I personally work on.

Just because a thing exists doesn't mean that thing must always be used.

If I absolutely had to deploy HPKP, I'd do so as "reporting-only" (i.e., Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only), but even then you'd need to setup a reporting endpoint, have a human monitor it and take action when needed, and have processes in place to handle events when they happen (i.e., a lot of effort and cost).


Further Reading