Alternative React Component Patterns

A set of different patterns or structures for creating React components.

Published in ·

(updated for React 16.7.0-alpha)

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There's more than one way to create a React component. The old way (using the React.createClass function) has now been deprecated in version 16. But that doesn't mean you're stuck using the classical inheritance pattern.

UPDATE: With the introduction of Hooks in React 16.7, this is now my preferred component style (see Hooked Component Example). My thoughts below, as well as the other examples, are still relevant, however Hooks now provide a powerful, simple, and direct way of making components that has all the composable clarity I've always desired without all the added hoops to jump through.

You should still, always, use a stateless function component whenever possible, but if you need other React features, you can now import them as needed without rewriting your component into a classical mess of binded thiss :)


From the root of the project directory:

  1. npm install
  2. npm run build
  3. Open /build/index.html in your web browser.


I'm just going to say this right off the bat: I'm not a fan of OOP, and I don't think adding class to Javascript was a good thing.

I prefer composition over inheritance in almost all cases, and would rather use Javascript's wonderfully expressive, and simple, features like functions and object literals to create reusable modules.

But to each his/her own.

Aren't Stateless Function Components Better?


As a rule of thumb, you should always create "stateless function components" whenever possible. These are modules which return a function that does nothing other than render some JSX, along with inserting some props into the mix (but do not track any kind of state). These are simpler, faster, and easier than anything, so always use them!

...unless you need state. And then you should use one of the patterns in this repo.

Facebook's examples use class, so that must be the best way

A lot of Java developers have moved over to JS and made a lot of noise to make it look like what they're used to. That doesn't mean you should/have do it too.

By all means, if classes are your cup of tea, do what you think is best, but I just want to show that there do exist alternatives; ones that don't require class, or this, or new or extends or super or bind ;)

As of v16.7.0, you can now use Hooks to access React's features from a simple function component. You no longer need to use classes.

Object's without classes? WTF?

Yes, you can make objects without inheriting from a class. And if you create an object that quacks like a React component, React will think it's a React component.

Basically, what's happening when you make a classless React component, is this:

  1. Make a new object that includes all the stuff in React.Component.prototype
  2. Give that object some attributes called props and state
  3. Define a special function called, specifically, render() which returns some JSX stuff
  4. Make a function that accepts props, and optionally context, and returns this new object (passing the props into it).
  5. Export the function as a module

This is essentially all there really is to a React component.

NOTE: Hooks are an even easier way of making components without classes (or understanding the React.Component.prototype). I recommend using this method instead.

But isn't doing it the Facebook way better/safer/more optimized/faster?

No, not really. Not using classes can actually be less resource hungry, be parsed even faster by the browser, and imo a heck of a lot easier to reason about (read: faster development with fewer errors).

In testing, I've found each pattern to be roughly equivalent performance-wise. The biggest difference lies in the code structure itself. I think the composable examples are easier to read, easier to manipulate, and require less of a developer's mental resources to construct, extend, maintain, and upgrade. For this reason, I prefer not using classical components.

Further Reading